Announcing the ERA blog!
ERA - Ordinary Equality Timeline - Purple - Final.jpg

This blog is dedicated to keeping you updated on the latest ERA-related news from across the United States, and to make important announcements regarding legislative efforts in the states and in Congress.

Today, we will are also sharing the latest addition to the ERA TOOLKIT - The Ordinary Equality Timeline! you see above provides an amazing comparison between efforts for gender equality in the United States versus countries around the world. If you haven’t already checked out the ERA TOOLKIT, head over there and download as many FREE items to help you in your advocacy for the Equal Rights Amendment!

ERA In The News This Week:

ERA news was spread across the country this week. We also saw exciting news out of Minnesota, as the House passed a state version the Equal Rights Amendment (Minnesota passed the federal ERA in 1973). The initiative will move to a public vote in 2020.  

In North Dakota, which passed the federal ERA in 1975, voted this past week to declare the ERA unviable due the amendments failure to ratify before the original 1979 deadline. The move is largely in a symbolic gesture due to the lack of legal precedent for states to legally rescind an amendment that passed a state house. Read more about it below.

Exciting news in the sports world as the US Women's National Team sued the US Soccer Federation for "institutionalized gender discrimination." The highest paid woman on the USWNT makes $72,000, compared to recently retired USMT player Clint Dempsey who earned $406,000 the same year and failed to qualify for World Cup play. Please read the article here. 

Now onto the news! Below is a breakdown of national and state-based publications that wrote about the Equal Rights Amendment since March 1, 2019.


March 1 So Here's Something... Women Don't Actually Have Equal Rights Under the ConstitutionCosmopolitan 

March 1 Honor Women's History Month by ratifying Equal Rights Amendment, The Hill

March 3 How Women Were Tricked Into Being Afraid of the Equal Rights Amendment, Cosmopolitan  

March 5 Equal Rights Amendment: 5 Fast Facts You Need to KnowHeavy

March 8 Could Sen. Martha McSally's rape disclosure revive the Equal Rights Amendment?, USA Today

March 8 The journey toward the Equal Rights Amendment began decades ago, but activists say the finish line is in sight, CNN

March 7 This Women's History Month, the Equal Rights Amendment is Unfinished BusinessYahoo News 



March 5 Letter: Let's at least debate the Equal Rights AmendmentArizona Daily Star



March 4 2019 Session: Arkansas lawmaker revives state push to ratify Equal Rights AmendmentKARK  

March 4 Sen. Joyce Elliot to propose resolution for state to ratify Equal Rights AmendmentArkansas Times

March 6 Wednesday's Letters to the Editor, Hot Springs Sentinel 

March 7 Bid in Arkansas to ratify Equal Rights Amendment failsKATV

*this article appeared across several news sources



March 5 Can the Equal Rights Amendment be revived?KCBS

March 7 100 Years and Counting: Time to Ratify an Equal Rights Amendment? San Francisco Bay Times 



March 6 Southwest Springs Connections: The indelible mark of pioneering women before, with, and after usColorado Springs Gazette



March 7 William March: Renewed effort to ratify Equal Rights Amendment in Florida, Tampa Bay Times



March 1 Republican senator donates soccer balls received in prank to Boys and Girls Club,The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



March 7 Bill introduced to add equal rights amendment to Maine ConstitutionWABI

March 7 Lawmakers consider bill to make gender discrimination unconstitutional in 

*this article appeared in several news sources

March 7 Lawmakers propose equal rights amendment for Maine Constitution, WMTW Portland



March 4 Citizen Engagement Corner: ERA finally on the vergeWicked Local 



March 4 MNLARS Bill Among Capitol HappeningsKDUZ/KARP Radio

March 5 Ramsey County supports Equal Rights AmendmentLillie News 

March 6 At the Capitol with Rep. Marion O'neillMonticello Times  

March 7 Minnesota House passes Equal Rights Amendment, Star Tribune

*this article appeared in several other news sources

March 7 Fetishist? Pansexual? Minnesota House approves Equal Rights Amendment after winding debateBrainerd Dispatch 



March 3 Women senators talk about why their perspective is important in Nebraska Legislature, Fremont Tribune


March 4 Kim introduces Alice Paul Voter Protection ActBurlington County Times



March 1 Equal Rights Amendment passed by Assembly, Jamestown Post-Journal

March 3 NYC Open Letter to Amazon, Push on Harrimon PILOT, Assembly Passes ERA, Albany Times Union 



March 2 Saturday's letters: ERA Amendment,

March 3 Equal pay for women? Lawmakers to file ERA bill on TuesdayGreensboro News & Record 



March 5 Amid renewed push to ratify Equal Rights Amendment, North Dakota House says approval expiredGrand Forks Herald

March 5 Amid renewed push to ratify Equal Rights Amendment, North Dakota House says approval expiredThe Dickinson Press

 *This appeared in several other papers



Feb. 28 Pioneering former secretary of state Norma Paulus diesCorvallis Gazette Times


March 4 It's Time for South Carolina to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, says Lawmaker, Free Times 



March 4 A decade-long study found that only 6 countries have equal rights for women and men--and the US isn't one of them, My San Antonio  



March 1 Opinion: Virginia failed to pass important bills. Consider that when you vote this fall, Washington Post 

March 3 Woodstock woman seeks to challenge Del. Gilbert, cites ERA as a reason, Northern Virginia Daily

March 4 Panel of ERA activists discuss past year, Northern Virginia Daily 

March 5 After 2019 Session, Can Virginia Republicans Maintain the Majority? WVTF 

March 6 Arlington civic groups to mull future of ERA, Inside NoVA

March 6 Reliving the Struggles for Women's RightsThe Zebra



March 5 Costly Consequences: The Irony of the Equal Rights Amendment, White Mountain Independent


Thank you!

Erica Young & Krista Niles of API’s Advocacy Committee

Alice Paul Institute