Nov. 29 Biden, enshrine ERA in Constitution. Close the equality gap | Opinion "For the past four years, America has been in a constitutional crisis. In 2020, for the first time in our nation’s history, publication of a fully ratified amendment was stopped by the executive branch." USA Today
Dec. 3 46 Senators Call on Biden to Certify Equal Rights Amendment as GOP Control Looms | Common Dreams "'As you are keenly aware," wrote the senators, "after nearly 50 years under the protections of Roe, more than half of all Americans have seen their rights come under attack, with access to abortion care and lifesaving healthcare varying from state to state. A federal solution is needed, and the ERA is the strongest tool to ensure equality and protect these rights for everyone. It would establish the premise that sex-based distinctions in access to reproductive care are unconstitutional, and therefore that abortion bans—which single out women for unfair denial of medical treatment based on sex—violate a constitutional right to sex equality.'" Common Dreams
Dec. 5 National Council of Jewish Women | President Biden: Have Faith in the ERA - National Council of Jewish Women "We, the undersigned over 60 national religious, religiously-affiliated, secular, values-based, and faith-centered organizations and communities, share a commitment to equality and social justice. Through our cherished traditions, we affirm the inherent dignity and equal worth of every individual. In this spirit, we strongly support the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the ratified 28th amendment to the United States Constitution, that would guarantee equal rights to all people regardless of sex. We urge you to take the historic step of instructing the National Archivist to publish and certify the ERA. This action would stand as one of the most impactful milestones of your presidency and a historic achievement for advancing gender equity." National Council of Jewish Women
Dec. 6 Ask President Biden To Cement His Place in History: Deliver Constitutional Equality for All - Equality Now "We have a narrow window of opportunity to include gender equality in the US Constitution. In just two months, the current President of the United States will leave office, and a new administration, one that publicly boasted about its efforts to erode women’s and girls’ rights, will take over. We’re worried that the progress we’ve made toward equality for all women and girls could be further taken away." Equality Now
Dec. 7 Opinion | Certify the ERA: Biden’s Historic Chance to Cement Gender Equality in the Constitution | Common Dreams "The Constitution evolves to reflect America’s progress and values. Certifying the ERA would mark a historic step in rectifying the foundational omission of gender equality." Common Dreams
Dec. 10 Cori Bush, Dems urge Joe Biden to sign Equal Rights Amendment before term's end "Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) led a coalition of fellow legislators and advocates Tuesday in calling on President Biden to certify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) before his term ends in January." The Hill
Dec. 11 We just got arrested for demanding that Biden codify sex equality | Ella Duncan-High, Claudia Nachega and Grace Tallmadge | The Guardian "We put our bodies on the line – because our bodies are on the line. As women and queer Americans, we feel the pressure of a looming Trump presidency and know the administration wants to strip basic rights." The Guardian
Dec. 11 Democrats intensify calls to add Equal Rights Amendment to Constitution "Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and outgoing Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri are at the forefront of this movement, and have urged Biden multiple times over several years to act before the clock runs out on his presidency." Daily KOS
Dec. 11 Voters Want Biden to Adopt the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution "These findings demonstrate that voters strongly support adopting the ERA as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution, and that many of them would look more favorably at Biden’s presidency if he took action to do so." Data for Progress
Dec. 12 Biden, enshrine ERA in Constitution. Close the equality gap | Opinion "U.S. Capitol Police arrested several activists Tuesday as they blocked Constitution Avenue as part of a protest demanding President Biden publish the Equal Rights Amendment before leaving office." Democracy Now!
Dec. 4 Senators Call on Biden to Certify Equal Rights Amendment Which Has Been Passed by 38 States | Cerritos Community News. Cerritos Community News
Dec. 8 Guest opinion: Jacqueline A. Schwarz: Biden must cement women’s rights in our Constitution Daily Camera
Dec. 10 ‘Squad’ Democrats demand Biden ‘take action’ on Equal Rights Amendment in final days | News | The Gazette
Dec. 10 None of what happened excuses us from civic duty - Wednesday Journal Wednesday Journal of Oak Park and River Forest
Dec. 9 LETTER: Tell Biden: 'Affirm the Equal Rights Amendment now' | Opinion | indianagazette.comThe Indiana Gazette
Dec. 5 Maine Compass: The time is now. Certify the Equal Rights Amendment Central Maine
Dec. 10 President Biden should certify the ERA as the 28th Amendment Bangor Daily News
Dec. 11 Letter: The clock is ticking on equal rightsThe Press Herald
Nov. 30 We’ve earned equality; now, let us have it | Letters to the Editor | The Frederick News-Post
Nov. 29 Letter: Biden must push for ratification of Equal Rights Amendment | Letters To Editor | Berkshire Eagle
Dec. 5 Concord Monitor - Opinion: The closing window for women Concord Monitor
Dec. 12 Minot activist joins march for equal rights for women | News, Sports, Jobs - Minot Daily News Minot Daily News
Dec. 11 Tell Biden: Affirm the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) now | PennLive letters - Penn Live
Dec. 12 The ERA must be finalized | Guest Opinion | Bucks County Herald
Dec. 2 Virginia Senators Urge Biden to Enshrine ERA as 28th Amendment - Style Weekly Style Weekly
Dec. 5 Letter to the Editor — The ERA must be published | Garrett Opinion | WV News
Dec. 5 Appleton Area NOW rallies for Equal Rights Amendment | WFRV We Are Green Bay