ERA in the News: FEB 1 2025 - FEB 14 2025


Feb. 1 Women’s Paychecks Are Shrinking—And Policy Isn’t Keeping Up - Ms. Magazine "When the Equal Rights Amendment is finally added the Constitution at long last, enshrining equal rights for women could theoretically bolster efforts for equivalent pay." Ms. Magazine

Feb. 3 Congress must stand up to Trump's overreach — it's what the Founders intended "Today, party loyalty has replaced the kind of branch loyalty James Madison thought would be necessary to make the Constitution work. That is why, as Jeffrey Rosen puts it, “We are living … in a Madisonian nightmare.” Trump’s defiance of Congress and the Constitution is just the latest episode of that nightmare." The Hill

Feb. 3 The Right to Pee Is Everything | The Nation "During the 1970s, opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment used fears that it would mandate unisex toilets to aid their successful campaign to tank the law. Bathroom issues continued during the ’80s and ’90s during the HIV/AIDS epidemic, when some wanted gay men to be banned from public facilities. Queers, like trans people, weren’t considered family-friendly. They were seen as potential groomers or vectors of disease." The Nation

Feb. 5 Musings: Great-great grandma was a suffragette - The Sonoma Index-Tribune “Had she been a man, her accomplishments would have been recorded in history books. Instead, they were lost for more than a century."  The Sonoma Index-Tribune

Feb. 10 NOW Launches Nationwide Campaign Advocating for Feminist Issues - National Organization for Women “Quote from Zakiya Thomas, President & CEO, ERA Coalition: With the Equal Rights Amendment as the law of the land, we can use it to help disrupt the attacks on our fundamental rights and cement gender equality in our laws. We will continue fighting sex discrimination in pay equity, employment, reproductive health, gender-based violence, financial services, housing, and more.” NOW



Feb. 11 Unalaskans march in support of women's rights as second Trump Administration takes office | KUCB KUCB


Feb. 1 Florida figured big in ERA debate | Columnists | Citrus Sun Chronicle


Feb. 5 MIAA comments on Trump executive order targeting transgender athletes Taunton Daily Gazette


Feb. 5 Minnesotans demand equal rights | Midway Como Frogtown Monitor St. Paul Monitor


Feb. 4 NYC Hospitals Must Continue to Provide Gender-Affirming Care Despite Federal Attacks  - NYCLU NYCLU


Feb. 3 Pa. Court to Hear Arguments *Feb. 5* on State Ban on Medicaid Coverage for Abortion and Equal Rights Amendment - Ms. Magazine Ms. Magazine


Feb. 11 From Broadway to Nashville: 'Hamilton,' 'Outsiders' set for TPAC shows Knox. News

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: JAN 18 2024 - JAN 31 2025


Jan. 17 The ERA Solidifies Women’s Rights in the Constitution as the 28th Amendment - Center for American Progress “This is the most substantive advancement of women’s rights in this country since the 19th amendment, which gave women the constitutional right to vote in 1920. The United States now joins the 85 percent of countries in the world that have a gender provision in their federal constitutions.” Center for American Progress

Jan. 17 Biden announces Equal Rights Amendment is the law of the land | Vox  “If Biden had actually been serious about fighting and trying to win a legal battle to make this amendment go into effect, he surely would have begun that battle long before the imminent end of his term.” Vox

Jan. 17 Biden says Equal Rights Amendment should be ratified, though unclear it matters “President Biden on Friday said he believes the Equal Rights Amendment is the "law of the land" as the U.S. Constitution's 28th Amendment — though with only days left in his term, his power on the issue is not immediately clear.” Axios

Jan. 17 What Biden didn’t do on the Equal Rights Amendment is more important than what he did - POLITICO “But what matters, legal experts say, is what Biden didn’t do: He didn’t order the archivist of the United States to formally publish the amendment. And he didn’t direct the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel to withdraw its written opinion that the deadline for ratification expired long ago.” Politico

Jan. 17 Biden Says the Equal Rights Amendment Is Law. Now What? “And even with Biden in the White House since 2021, no further action had been taken until recent weeks." The Cut

Jan. 17 Biden claims Equal Rights Amendment formally added to US Constitution - JURIST - News “Following President Biden’s opinion, whether the National Archives and Records Administration will recognize the ERA as a part of the US Constitution remains to be seen.” Jurist News

Jan. 18 President Biden declares the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution: Here's what it could mean for women and girls  - Equality Now “With most constitutional amendments, the final step to ensure that states are aware the Constitution has changed is publication by the National Archivist; however in this case, as explained by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, while President Biden did not direct the National Archivist to publish, as the leader of the United States his announcement should ultimately “supersede” her purely ministerial role.” Equality Now

Jan. 18 Biden says Equal Rights Amendment has passed, but won't take the next step - Chicago Sun-Times “The Biden administration had previously claimed that Congress must authorize publication, citing a long-expired time limit to the ERA when it went to the states for ratification in 1972. However, the Constitution makes no mention of such time limits, nor does it give Congress the authority to limit the states’ ability to ratify an amendment once proposed.” Chicago Sun times

Jan. 20 UAW Statement on President Biden's Affirmation of the Equal Rights Amendment - UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America “The United Auto Workers applauds President Joe Biden’s strong affirmation of the Equal Rights Amendment and his commitment to ensuring that women in this country have full equality under the law.” UAW

Jan. 20 Biden Declares ERA Is “Law of the Land” But Fails to Back Up Announcement with Executive Action | Democracy Now! “Advocates say Biden could have taken a further step and ordered the National Archives to publish the amendment and enter it officially in the Constitution, a move which would have triggered a legal battle with Republicans.” Democracy Now!

Jan. 20 Biden's 'Declaration' About the Equal Rights Amendment Doesn't Mean Shit - Jezebel “If Biden really wanted to make the ERA the “law of the land,” he would have needed to direct the head of the National Archives to ignore the Department of Justice. But he didn't do that—or really anything for women's rights during his presidency.” Jezebel

Jan. 21 The Legal Status of the Equal Rights Amendment - Ms. Magazine “Former President Joe Biden’s statement that the Equal Rights Amendment has been ratified and should be deemed part of the Constitution is welcome and correct as to the law. But it also is likely to engender great confusion and unfortunately has no legal effect. (The statement has now been removed from the White House website, but you can read it in full below.)” Ms. Magazine

Jan. 22 Does it Matter Whether the Equal Rights Amendment is Now Part of the Constitution? | Michael C. Dorf | Verdict | Legal Analysis and Commentary from Justia “However, as I noted in a column on this site five years ago—on the occasion of Virginia having apparently become the 38th and thus tipping-point state to ratify the ERA—any “suggestion that the Archivist should decide an amendment’s validity is itself bonkers. The Archivist need not be and currently is not a constitutional lawyer.” The Archivist typically is not a lawyer at all.” Verdict Justia

Jan. 22 Biden affirms Equal Rights Amendment - Beverly Press & Park Labrea NewsBeverly Press & Park Labrea News “Nicholson, now 76, was on the frontlines of the Women’s Liberation movement in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1982, she fasted with six other women at the Illinois statehouse in attempt to convince the state to ratify the ERA. Nicholson was also present in Virginia in 2020, when it became the 38th state to ratify the amendment, which is the number necessary for inclusion in the Constitution. Based on that ratification, the ERA could be argued as having gone into effect on July 27, 2022 – exactly two years later.” Beverly Press



Jan. 20 AG Marshall reacts to possible ratification of Equal Rights Amendment Alabama Reporter


Jan. 25 Upholding the principles of the Equal Rights Amendment | Modesto Bee The Modesto Bee


Jan. 23 Longtime Equal Rights Amendment advocate Sally Pancrazio says the work isn't over | WGLT WGLT


Jan. 29 Indiana Theater and AAUW to present 'Ratified' in free, public screening | | Eastern Progress


Jan. 18 Joe Biden says the Equal Rights Amendment is law. Here's why some Pa. advocates are still disappointed | National | The Union Bulletin


Jan. 20 Statement from the Utah Senate Democrats on the Equal Rights Amendment - Utah Policy Utah Policy


Jan. 22 The ERA should be treated as part of the Constitution | John Nichols | Cap Times

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: DEC 20 2024 - JAN 3 2025


Dec. 20 SUFFS – THE MUSICAL – PRO-SHOT ANNOUNCED FOR PBS GREAT PERFORMANCES – Theatre Fan “The Tony Award-winning musical will be taped this weekend for future broadcast on PBS’s Great Performances, a production spokesperson has confirmed. An air date has not yet been announced.” Theatre Fan

Dec. 20 Why the ERA Needs Congressional Action—And How We Can Win - Ms. Magazine “As the 118th Congress concludes in early January, we must honor those who stood for equality: the 214 House Democrats who signed the ERA discharge petition. Only four Republicans were needed to bring the ERA to the floor for a vote. We were closer than at any time in the past to enshrining the ERA into the Constitution, and I believe failure is impossible.” Ms. Magazine

Dec. 24 Women demand “deeds not words”: Joe Biden must enshrine the ERA in the Constitution | “In an interview with MeidasTouch on Thursday the host Ben Meiselas asked President Joe Biden what he is working on right now and what he hopes to accomplish before the end of his term. President Biden responded, “There's a couple things I want to get done. Women's issues, for example... We should be passing the ERA. There's a consensus for it.” Salon

Dec. 26 President Biden: Why Are Women Waiting for Equality? | League of Women Voters “President Biden, with the weeks that remain of your presidency, the mission that began a century ago is now on you. Enshrine the Equal Rights Amendment into the Constitution. The time could not be more urgent. It must be done now." League of Women Voters

Dec. 28 Ms. Magazine’s Top Feminists of 2024 - Ms. Magazine “In January of last year, Reps. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Cori Bush (D-Mo.) began their work to remove the arbitrary deadline for the ERA’s ratification. Pressley and Bush launched the Congressional Caucus for the Equal Rights Amendment, the first of its kind, in March of last year.” Ms. Magazine

Dec. 31 Letter to the editor: ERA needs to be enacted as constitutional amendment | The Reflector "I encourage all the men who love the women in their lives to contact their representatives in favor of this amendment. It will bless these women, their daughters and their daughter’s daughters in unforeseeable future ways." The Reflector



Dec. 29 What should happen as Biden winds down his presidency? - Apache Junction Independent Apache Junction Gold Canyon Independent


Dec. 22 Opinion: Kate Kelly: Biden should certify the ERA Daily Camera


Dec. 21 Lawmakers urge Biden to finalize Equal Rights Amendment before transition | News | Florida Courrier


Dec. 23 Biden should pull a MAGA, publish the Equal Rights Amendment | OpinionThe Kentucky Courrier


Dec. 23 Lawmakers urge President Biden to finalize Equal Rights Amendment before transition | New Orleans' Multicultural News Source | The Louisiana Weekly Louisiana Weekly


Dec. 31 Cori Bush on losing her US House seat: ‘I’m just getting started’ | Cori Bush | The GuardianThe Guardian


Dec. 31 Letter to the editor: Ask President Biden to at last ratify the Equal Rights Amendment | Letters To Editor | Bozeman Daily Chronicle


Dec. 30 How Biden can secure his legacy - Las Vegas Sun News Las Vegas Sun


Jan. 2 NH leading Democrats ask Biden to make ERA 28th Amendment to US Constitution | In Depth New Hampshire


Jan. 2 Celebrate Alice Paul on her birthday, Jan. 11, at the Alice Paul Institute in Mount Laurel - New Jersey Education Association New Jersey Education Association

Dec. 12 The ERA must be finalized | Guest Opinion | Bucks County Herald


Jan. 1 ERA, minimum wage hike and other new state laws in 2025 | News | The Leader-Herald


Dec. 30 President Biden, Pass the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)The Philadelphia Citizen


Dec. 27 Lawmakers urge President Biden to finalize Equal Rights Amendment before transition - North Dallas Gazette North Dallas Gazette


Dec. 30 LETTER: There’s time to put the ERA into effect — Waterbury RoundaboutWaterbury Roundabout


Dec. 21 Lawmakers Urge President Biden to Finalize Equal Rights Amendment Before Transition - Milwaukee Courier Weekly Newspaper Milwaukee Courier

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: NOV 30 - DEC 13 2024


Nov. 29 Biden, enshrine ERA in Constitution. Close the equality gap | Opinion "For the past four years, America has been in a constitutional crisis. In 2020, for the first time in our nation’s history, publication of a fully ratified amendment was stopped by the executive branch." USA Today

Dec. 3 46 Senators Call on Biden to Certify Equal Rights Amendment as GOP Control Looms | Common Dreams "'As you are keenly aware," wrote the senators, "after nearly 50 years under the protections of Roe, more than half of all Americans have seen their rights come under attack, with access to abortion care and lifesaving healthcare varying from state to state. A federal solution is needed, and the ERA is the strongest tool to ensure equality and protect these rights for everyone. It would establish the premise that sex-based distinctions in access to reproductive care are unconstitutional, and therefore that abortion bans—which single out women for unfair denial of medical treatment based on sex—violate a constitutional right to sex equality.'" Common Dreams

Dec. 5 National Council of Jewish Women | President Biden: Have Faith in the ERA - National Council of Jewish Women "We, the undersigned over 60 national religious, religiously-affiliated, secular, values-based, and faith-centered organizations and communities, share a commitment to equality and social justice. Through our cherished traditions, we affirm the inherent dignity and equal worth of every individual. In this spirit, we strongly support the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the ratified 28th amendment to the United States Constitution, that would guarantee equal rights to all people regardless of sex. We urge you to take the historic step of instructing the National Archivist to publish and certify the ERA. This action would stand as one of the most impactful milestones of your presidency and a historic achievement for advancing gender equity." National Council of Jewish Women

Dec. 6 Ask President Biden To Cement His Place in History: Deliver Constitutional Equality for All - Equality Now "We have a narrow window of opportunity to include gender equality in the US Constitution. In just two months, the current President of the United States will leave office, and a new administration, one that publicly boasted about its efforts to erode women’s and girls’ rights, will take over. We’re worried that the progress we’ve made toward equality for all women and girls could be further taken away." Equality Now

Dec. 7 Opinion | Certify the ERA: Biden’s Historic Chance to Cement Gender Equality in the Constitution | Common Dreams "The Constitution evolves to reflect America’s progress and values. Certifying the ERA would mark a historic step in rectifying the foundational omission of gender equality." Common Dreams

Dec. 10 Cori Bush, Dems urge Joe Biden to sign Equal Rights Amendment before term's end "Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) led a coalition of fellow legislators and advocates Tuesday in calling on President Biden to certify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) before his term ends in January." The Hill

Dec. 11 We just got arrested for demanding that Biden codify sex equality | Ella Duncan-High, Claudia Nachega and Grace Tallmadge | The Guardian "We put our bodies on the line – because our bodies are on the line. As women and queer Americans, we feel the pressure of a looming Trump presidency and know the administration wants to strip basic rights." The Guardian

Dec. 11 Democrats intensify calls to add Equal Rights Amendment to Constitution "Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and outgoing Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri are at the forefront of this movement, and have urged Biden multiple times over several years to act before the clock runs out on his presidency." Daily KOS

Dec. 11 Voters Want Biden to Adopt the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution "These findings demonstrate that voters strongly support adopting the ERA as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution, and that many of them would look more favorably at Biden’s presidency if he took action to do so." Data for Progress

Dec. 12 Biden, enshrine ERA in Constitution. Close the equality gap | Opinion "U.S. Capitol Police arrested several activists Tuesday as they blocked Constitution Avenue as part of a protest demanding President Biden publish the Equal Rights Amendment before leaving office." Democracy Now!



Dec. 4 Senators Call on Biden to Certify Equal Rights Amendment Which Has Been Passed by 38 States | Cerritos Community News. Cerritos Community News


Dec. 8 Guest opinion: Jacqueline A. Schwarz: Biden must cement women’s rights in our Constitution Daily Camera

Dec. 10 ‘Squad’ Democrats demand Biden ‘take action’ on Equal Rights Amendment in final days | News | The Gazette


Dec. 10 None of what happened excuses us from civic duty - Wednesday Journal Wednesday Journal of Oak Park and River Forest


Dec. 9 LETTER: Tell Biden: 'Affirm the Equal Rights Amendment now' | Opinion | indianagazette.comThe Indiana Gazette


Dec. 5 Maine Compass: The time is now. Certify the Equal Rights Amendment Central Maine

Dec. 10 President Biden should certify the ERA as the 28th Amendment Bangor Daily News

Dec. 11 Letter: The clock is ticking on equal rightsThe Press Herald


Nov. 30 We’ve earned equality; now, let us have it | Letters to the Editor | The Frederick News-Post


Nov. 29 Letter: Biden must push for ratification of Equal Rights Amendment | Letters To Editor | Berkshire Eagle


Dec. 5 Concord Monitor - Opinion: The closing window for women Concord Monitor


Dec. 12 Minot activist joins march for equal rights for women | News, Sports, Jobs - Minot Daily News Minot Daily News


Dec. 11 Tell Biden: Affirm the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) now | PennLive letters - Penn Live

Dec. 12 The ERA must be finalized | Guest Opinion | Bucks County Herald


Dec. 2 Virginia Senators Urge Biden to Enshrine ERA as 28th Amendment - Style Weekly Style Weekly



Dec. 5 Letter to the Editor — The ERA must be published | Garrett Opinion | WV News


Dec. 5 Appleton Area NOW rallies for Equal Rights Amendment | WFRV We Are Green Bay

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: NOV 16 - NOV 29 2024


Write4Rights - Vote Equality! "On December 10th, the 101st anniversary of the Equal Rights Amendment being introduced to Congress, contact the friends you activated and head to the nearest mailbox to drop YOUR note in the mail (postcard, notecard, artistic drawing, whatever). Be sure you include the wording you sent to your friends" Vote Equality

The President Must Immediately Publish the Equal Rights Amendment | League of Women Voters "The 2024 election results were not friendly to women’s equality, and our future status in the country is at stake. It’s imperative that President Biden take urgent action to ensure the process of publishing the Amendment is completed since it has been fully ratified since 2020." League of Women Voters

Nov. 25 Michael Moore: Biden Going Out With a Bang "You have the power to order the E.R.A. be officially published in the United States Constitution. You’ve had nearly 4 years to do this. It was ratified by the required number of states and it should be published as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution. Women, who make up 51% of the American population — THE MAJORITY — should finally be recognized as equal citizens and equal human beings, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, just as they are in almost every single other Western Democracy." Scheer Post

Nov. 25 Whatever Happened to the Republican Party? "Excerpts from the Republican Party Platform of 1972: ... To continue progress for women's rights, we will work toward: Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment; appointment of women to highest level positions in the Federal Government, including the Cabinet and Supreme Court; equal pay for equal work; elimination of discrimination against women at all levels in Federal Government..." Daily KOS



Nov. 21 Letters: Let’s get the ERA done now – The Ukiah Daily Journal Ukiah Daily Journal


Nov. 22 Letters: President Joe Biden should have ERA certified Chicago Tribune


Nov. 17 Semple: Women are under attack, except in Snowmass | Opinion | Aspen Daily News


Nov. 21 Letter: It seems the majority of American voters are OK with inequality for women The Salt Lake Tribune


Equality Cannot Wait. | MyLO League of Women Voters


Nov. 17 Tell President Biden to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment | MyLOLeague of Women Voters of Bucks County

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: NOV 2 - NOV 15 2024


The President Must Immediately Publish the Equal Rights Amendment | League of Women Voters "The 2024 election results were not friendly to women’s equality, and our future status in the country is at stake. It’s imperative that President Biden take urgent action to ensure the process of publishing the Amendment is completed since it has been fully ratified since 2020." League of Women Voters

Nov. 3 November 3, 2024: We Did It. Now, Let's Make ERA Publication Happen Together! - Equal Means Equal "The City of West Hollywood is co-sponsor of a powerful temporary installation at West Hollywood Library urging awareness about – and publication of – the fully ratified Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)." Equal Means Equal

Nov. 6 Arizona and Missouri Legalize Abortion; New York Passes ERA - Ms. Magazine "Amid devastating news in the election, there are some bright spots. Of the 10 states with abortion ballot questions, seven passed constitutional protections for reproductive rights, including Arizona (61-39), Colorado (62-38), Maryland (74-26), Missouri (52-48), Montana (57-43), Nevada (63-37) and New York (62-38). For the constitutional amendment to take effect in Nevada, voters would have to approve it again in November 2026." Ms. Magazine

Nov. 7 Voters in Seven States Approve Constitutional Amendments to Protect Abortion Rights | Center for Reproductive Rights "An especially critical amendment approval came in Missouri, where abortion is banned—marking the first time voters in a state with a total abortion ban have successfully amended their constitution to protect reproductive freedom." Center for Reproductive Rights

Nov. 7 Good News: Some States Passed Protections for Abortion Access, Marriage Equality, and More | Them "Hot take: All hope is not yet lost." Them

Nov. 9 The Equal Rights Amendment’s Path Forward | The Regulatory Review "Women also make up less than a fifth of senior leadership positions across all sectors, and policies that invoke unequal treatment among genders play a role in this, Rangita de Silva de Alwis of the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School argues. New York Attorney General Letitia James explains that the ERA would provide a strict scrutiny standard for sex discrimination cases and strengthen women’s protections under Title IX, for instance." The Regulatory Review

Nov. 13 Cori Bush Calls On Biden to Protect Reproductive Rights With ERA | Common Dreams "Biden "must immediately direct the archivist of the United States to certify and publish the Equal Rights Amendment which can protect access to abortion care and contraception," said the Missouri Democrat, who co-chairs the Congressional Caucus for the Equal Rights Amendment." Common Dreams



Nov. 5 Prop. 139: Arizona voters enshrine abortion access in constitution Arizona Republic


Nov. 6 Missouri voters back amendment to end abortion ban : 2024 Election: Trump wins 2nd term as president : NPR NPR


Nov. 5 Amendment 79 passes: Colorado to protect abortion in constitution Colorado Sun


Nov. 6 Maryland voters approve amendment enshrining abortion rights in state constitution – NBC4 Washington NBC News


Nov. 6 Montana voters pass constitutional right to abortion MTN News


Nov. 6 What to know about Nevada's ballot measures, including abortion access | AP News AP News


Nov. 5 Equal Rights Amendment passes in New York | WAMC WAMC Northeast Public Radio

Nov. 6 Democrats react to Equal Rights Amendment passage, Long Island congressional wins WSHU

Nov. 6 New Yorkers Celebrate Win for Equal Rights Amendment Prop. 1 Planned Parenthood Action Fund


Nov. 7 Equal Rights Amendment club to start on campus - The Rocket The Rocket

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: OCT 5 - 18, 2024


Oct. 12 Bucket List Joe - Michael Moore "President Biden, for almost four years, you have had the power to order the United States Archivist to publish the now-ratified Equal Rights Amendment as the law of the land. Will women-haters try to sue to stop it? Well, of course they will! So what! Let ‘em. When does our side stop being so chicken-shit? 93% of the country believes women should have the same rights as men. You have the legal and Constitutional authority to permanently enshrine this Amendment where the American people overwhelmingly want it: IN OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION! 

DO IT TODAY! It will take less than two minutes! About the same time it took Lincoln to give the Gettysburg Address."Michael Moore

Oct. 7 If you believe in Democracy - VOTE "Today in America the wealthy hold the majority of the power, while being only 1% of our population — this is not a democracy, it is an oligarchy. More government representation is needed by the remaining 99%, tired of the imbalance of power, needing their voices heard, tired of paying all expenses of the wealthy while struggling to make ends meet. There needs to be a corresponding percent of elected officials that represent the population. Women, who comprise the majority, still do not have equal representation — the Equal Rights Amendment has not yet been ratified." Midland Daily News

Oct. 9 Statement on the Equal Rights Amendment | ACOG "We urge the United States Congress and the administration to do everything in their power to finalize the Equal Rights Amendment so that the promise of equal rights under the law, including the right to access comprehensive reproductive health care such as abortion, may be realized." The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Oct. 10 Lisa Ann Walter: My Lifelong Fight to Pass the Equal Rights Act | Glamour "They are uniformly outraged to learn that this isn’t true—that although the required 38 states ratified the amendment to guarantee that women are equal citizens with equal rights in America, they did so after a timeline that imposed by Congress to achieve it had expired. So it never passed. It’s a big problem, the Not Being Equal Citizens. But also the incredible fact that these educated, engaged, involved young people don’t know." Glamour Magazine

Oct. 16 I need the ERA because…the voice of the US legal profession endorses it! - Equality Now "In August 2024, The American Bar Association, the largest national volunteer association of lawyers in the world, adopted Resolution 601 championing the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Equality Now has drawn out the key points of the Resolution report to bring the legal and broader community a concise, irrefutable analysis concluding that the ERA must be recognized and implemented." Equality Now



Oct. 4 How Abortion Foes Are Using Transphobia to Derail New York’s Equal Rights Amendment – Mother Jones Mother Jones

Oct. 4 What the statewide ballot proposal could mean for LGBTQ rights in New York Gay City News

Oct. 10 Explainer on Proposal 1, the New York Equal Rights Amendment on the Ballot - Ms. Magazine Ms. Magazine


Oct. 7 OPINION: Nevada Medicaid will now cover abortion, but more is needed to ensure access for all - The Nevada Independent The Nevada Independent

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: SEPT 21 - OCT 4, 2024


Sept. 30 The Next Generation - Style Weekly "The makers of the film chronicling Virginia’s decades-long slog to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) want to inspire you to raise a ruckus and finally get the ERA added to the United States Constitution." Style Weekly



Sept. 24 Fact Check: Will New Yorkers vote on letting kids transition without parental consent this year? - LGBTQ Nation LGBTQ Nation

Sept. 24 Brad Hoylman-Sigal on Equal Rights Amendment Spectrum News

Sept. 30 Proposition 1: New York's Next Step Toward Equality in a Post-Roe World - Feminist Majority Foundation Feminist Majority Foundation


Sept. 24 Judge sides with North Dakota Catholic diocese, suspends abortion, IVF and LGBTQ protections | News From The States News from the States


Sept. 23 Quam, Holmes take different positions on new abortion law, free lunches for kids and ERA amendment - Post Bulletin | Rochester Minnesota news, weather, sports Post Bulletin

Sept. 27 Additional Q-and-A with Alex Falconer - Eden Prairie Local News Eden Prairie Local News

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: Apr 20 - May 3, 2024
Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: AUG 24 - SEP 6, 2024


Aug. 24 Leagues Across All 50 States and DC Send Letter to Congress and Administration for Action on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) | League of Women Voters) “If you believe in equality for all, the League calls on you to critically affirm the enshrinement of sex equality into the Constitution. The strength and future of our democracy depend on it.” League of Women Voters

Aug. 26 Women’s Equality Day reminds us of need for Equal Rights Amendment “We’re already getting a taste of reactionary, well-funded anti-ERA efforts this election cycle, unmasking blatant, loathsome misogyny. Rather than bowing to bullies, we now have the power to move our state and country forward with our vote, which can lead to a breakthrough of the barriers foisted upon the ERA. The opportunity is there to embed the principle of equality into the Constitution, our country’s strongest legal document..” Minn Post

Aug. 26 What Comes Next for the Equal Rights Amendment? - Center for American Progress "In the event of “legislative default,” as the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote, the ERA would provide courts with “an unassailable basis for applying the bedrock principle: All men and women are guaranteed by the Constitution equal justice under law.” The Center for American Progress

Aug. 26 The Young Feminist Party: A New Generation's Push to Pass the Equal Rights Amendment - Equality Now "As we strive to enshrine the ERA, the Young Feminist Party is the new standard-bearer, bringing fresh energy, inclusivity, and a global perspective to a cause over a century in the making. As they take up the baton of previous generations, they are not just pushing for a constitutional amendment—they are advocating for a more just and equitable society, where the rights of all people are recognized and protected." Equality Now

Aug. 26 NOW Celebrates Women’s Suffrage/Women’s Equality Day - National Organization for Women "And we need Congress to recognize the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to explicitly protect equal rights and protections under the law." National Organization for Women



Aug. 24 Judge Declines to Order New York to Include ‘Abortion’ in Description of Ballot Measure US News

Aug. 28 New Yorkers will vote for an "equal rights amendment" to protect abortion, LGBTQ+ rights - LGBTQ Nation LGBTQ Nation

Aug. 29 Anti-Trans Republicans Are Trying to Sink New York’s Proposed Equal Rights Amendment | Them Them

Sept. 3 New York Democrats fear abortion-rights amendment is faltering - POLITICO Ms Magazine

Sept. 4 Cantelmo signs on to support renewed federal Equal Rights Amendment effort - The Ithaca Voice Ithaca Voice


Aug. 25 Other days | The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette - Arkansas' Best News Source Arkansas Democrat Gazette


Aug. 28 It’s time for Maine to enact an Equal Rights Amendment Bangor Daily News

Aug. 26 Mainers continue push for Equal Rights Amendment WMTW 8


Aug. 25 CSRA celebrates Women’s Equality Day in fashion 12 26


Aug. 30 Abortion, climate change cases pending in PA courts • Spotlight PA Spotlight PA

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: AUG 10 - 23, 2024


Aug. 8 Whose Vision of America Will Voters Choose? - Dame Magazine "And when I imagine the historic moment our votes can create, I don’t see the culmination of a campaign; I see the beginning of a new era." Dame

Aug. 14 Suffs and Women’s Activism, Past and Present | League of Women Voters   "Alice Paul knew it, and we do, too: inequality hurts everyone. Let’s not let another century pass before making sex-based equality the law of the land!" League of Women Voters

Aug. 15 Equal Rights Amendment Is Valid and Should Be Implemented, Says American Bar Association - Ms. Magazine "At the annual meeting of the American Bar Association in Chicago on Aug. 6, the association’s House of Delegates adopted a resolution declaring the Equal Rights Amendment fully ratified as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." Ms. Magazine

Aug. 19 Why America Needs to Ratify the ERA Now “Under the ERA, prohibiting someone’s right to reproductive healthcare would be gender discrimination, rendering prohibitions against abortion access — like the 1864 law anti-choice advocates have recently been trying to revive in Arizona — unconstitutional.” Rolling Stone



Aug. 14 New York’s constitution: Proposed amendment lacks 1 word that could drive voter turnout: ‘abortion’ | AP News AP News

Aug. 16 What New York voters need to know about the equal rights amendment on this year's ballot | Herald Community Newspapers | LI Herald

Aug. 17 Door Knocking for Prop One in Albany CBS Albany


Aug. 8 Longest serving female Ohio legislator — who once walked away mid-term — dies at 99 | The Blade Toledo Blade

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: JULY 27 - AUG 9, 2024


Jul. 30 Legislators’ Tattoos Show Love of Public Service - National Conference of State Legislatures  "Virginia Sen. Danica Roem (D) voted to pass the Equal Rights Amendment in January 2020 and had the first 24 words of the amendment’s text tattooed on her left bicep the night before Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA." National Conference of State Legislatures

Aug. 4 It’s time to pass the ERA - Las Vegas Sun News "After all, if voters elect her, America may have its first female president in Kamala Harris. What better way to usher in her presidency than making all people, regardless of gender, equal in the eyes of our nation?" Las Vegas Sun

Aug. 6 ABA Delegates Back Equal Rights Amendment, Deem Expiration Void "American Bar Association delegates voted to urge implementation of the Equal Rights Amendment at their annual meeting Tuesday, stating the bar’s position that a disputed deadline set by Congress for states to ratify the amendment is void." Bloomberg Law

Aug. 6 Oswego County TodayGillibrand Statement On American Bar Association’s Support Of Implementing The Equal Rights Amendment To The Constitution "The American Bar Association is the premier association of legal minds in the United States, and their endorsement of the Equal Rights Amendment as having met the Article V threshold is incredibly important." Oswego County Today



Aug. 7 Missouri Congresswoman and “Squad” Member Defeated – Finger Lakes Daily News Finger Lakes Daily News


Jul. 25 Should BOE rewrite ballot questions for easy reading? Local SYR

Jul. 26 IWF and IWLC Submit Comment Regarding New York's Equal Rights Amendment | IWF Independent Women’s Forum

Jul. 30 Ballot language approved for New York’s equal rights constitutional amendment | WAMC WAMC Northeast Public Radio

Jul. 31 Attorney General James Releases Statement on Equal Rights Amendment New York State Attorney General

Jul. 31 The Implications of New York’s Proposed Equal Rights Amendment for Abortion | Michael C. Dorf | Verdict | Legal Analysis and Commentary from Justia Verdict Justia

Aug. 1 The Abortion Issue Not Enough New Yorkers are Talking About - NYCLU ACLU of New York

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: JULY 13 - 26, 2024


Jul. 13 "Here are eight states with abortion on the ballot this November." Washington Examiner

Jul. 16 Defending Women's Rights: The Urgent Need for Equal Rights Amendments "Only constitutional entrenchment of gender equality will establish irrefutable protections for us all." Fair Observer

Jul. 17 Gen Z's Fight to Secure the ERA in the Constitution - Ms. Magazine "Gen Z has seen unprecedented growth in gender expression and women’s empowerment as well as a staggering reduction in our constitutional rights. We are in a unique position to support gender equality, demanding that it becomes a constitutional right." Ms. Magazine

Jul. 25 It’s Beyond Time To Publish The 28th Amendment | American Federation of Teachers "The AFT will call upon the Archivist of the United States to print the amendment and see that the Equal Rights Amendment is published." American Federation of Teachers



Jul. 11 Backers of ballot initiative to preserve right to abortions in Montana sue over signature rules - WTOP News The Associated Press


Jul. 15 ISBA Supports ABA Resolution to Recognize ERA as 28th Amendment of U.S. Constitution | Illinois State Bar Association Illinois State Bar Association


Jul. 16 Proponents and detractors spend big on New York Equal Rights Amendment - City & State New York City and State New York

Jul. 18 NY Equal Rights Amendment would guarantee abortion rights. Will the ballot language make that clear? - Gothamist Gothamist

Jul. 18 Should NY's equal rights guarantees include age, gender expression, and pregnancy outcomes? Daily KOS

Jul. 19 NYS AFL-CIO Women: The path to equality is built on equity NYSUT Communications

Jul. 21 Op-Ed | Board of Elections must simplify Equal Rights Amendment ballot language | amNewYork AMNY

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: JUN 15 - 28 2024


Jun. 29 Feminist Culture Club: June 2024 - Equality Now “Discrimination and hate speech against the queer community is widespread, from banned books in libraries and schools to commencement speeches at universities. That’s why we need the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the United States, which would explicitly prohibit sex discrimination at the constitutional level and be a powerful tool in protecting the rights of all women and LGBTQ+ people.” Equality Now

Jun. 30 How a party writes its platform every four years ahead of convention - Washington Examiner “The Republicans had always endorsed the equal rights amendment for like 40 consecutive years, up through 1976 and then when Ronald Reagan was the nominee 1980, they completely reversed and opposed the Equal Rights Amendment,” Layman said.” Washington Examiner

Jul. 2 RELEASE: CAP Welcomes Kate Kelly as Senior Director of the Women’s Initiative - Center for American Progress "Kelly co-founded the National Coalition to End Child Marriage in the United States and led a successful statewide campaign to add an equal rights amendment to the Nevada Constitution." Center for American Progress

Jul. 4 I need the ERA because…paid care is a right – gender equality and the care economy - Equality Now “As part of our I Need the ERA because… campaign, we also take a closer look at how the ERA would grant the legislative branch clear constitutional authority to enact positive protections such as the right to receive and provide care and laws that provide social protections for long-term care and health." Equality Now

Jul. 9 Why Amending the Constitution Is the Right Response to the Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Decision | Austin Sarat | Verdict | Legal Analysis and Commentary from Justia "There is only one way to completely undo the damage done by that decision: amend the Constitution.” Verdict Justia



Jun. 27 Republican Candidate for Assembly says details of ‘Equal Rights Amendment’ are concerning WBNG

Jul. 3 What You Need to Know About New York's Equal Rights Amendment Rewire News Group

Jul. 9 Why New Yorkers Should Vote “Yes” on Proposal 1 - NYCLU ACLU of New York


Jun. 30 Texas Supreme Court upholds ban on gender-affirming care for minors - JURIST - News Jurist


Jul. 11 On Pennsylvania abortion rights, the Supreme Court to watch isn’t the one in Washington Bucks County Courier Times

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: JUN 29 - JUL 12 2024


Jun. 13 GOP aborting women’s rights | Opinion | "Conservatives argued the Equal Rights Amendment to failure by claiming that women already had equal rights. But, when Forbes tells us that women still make 84 cents of every dollar men earn, we might demur." The Item

Jun. 17 June 17, 2024: EQUAL MEANS EQUAL Challenges Administration to Make the Call in Daily Beast Article - Equal Means Equal "Over a hundred years ago Alice Paul and Lucy Burns were told that if they didn’t stop their fight for Suffrage, America would lose the World War (and it would be the women’s fault).  It’s time to reacquaint ourselves with our past and recognize that history is repeating itself." Equal Means Equal

Jun. 21 Letter to the editor: Equal Rights Amendment – Daily Democrat “Although President Biden claims to support the ERA, he continued in Trump’s footsteps by sending DOJ attorneys to oppose ERA advocates in federal court.” Daily Democrat

Jun. 22 PUBLISH THE ERA, JOE — WOMEN’S LIVES AND LIVELIHOODS ARE AT STAKE — AS IS DEMOCRACY! "For the first time, a ratified amendment has been blocked from publication. Trump blocked the Archivist from publishing the ERA in 2020 with the unconstitutional void deadline. Biden has now blocked the ERA for over three years, although he admitted it was fully-ratified in 2020." Daily KOS



Jun. 21 Campaign forming for sweeping anti-discrimination ballot issue in response to anti-transgender bills -

Jun. 24 Potential ballot-initiative wants to put equal rights amendment in Ohio Constitution • Ohio Capital Journal Ohio Capital Journal

Jun. 24 With Ohio lawmakers passing laws to create discrimination, might voters be asked on the ballot to block them? Today in Ohio -


Jun. 26 Four students selected to represent UNM at first-ever Model Constitutional Convention: UNM Newsroom The University of New Mexico Newsroom


Jun. 26 Another Va. Democrat wants ERA formally accepted in Constitution - Gazette Leader Gazette Leader


Jun. 21 Taking the final steps for the ERA - The Sonoma Index-Tribune The Sonoma Index-Tribune


Jun. 22 New York’s ‘equal rights’ constitutional amendment restored to ballot by appeals court - The Times of Wayne County - Wayne Times

Jun. 13 League of Women Voters plans NYC trip for ERA support Albany News 10

Jun. 19 Campaign director discusses Equal Rights Amendment Spectrum News

Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: JUN 1 - 14 2024
Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: MAY 18 - 31, 2024
Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: MAY 4 - 17, 2024
Alice Paul Institute
ERA in the News: APR 20 - MAY 3, 2024


Sept. 30 The Next Generation - Style Weekly "The makers of the film chronicling Virginia’s decades-long slog to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) want to inspire you to raise a ruckus and finally get the ERA added to the United States Constitution." Style Weekly



Sept. 24 Fact Check: Will New Yorkers vote on letting kids transition without parental consent this year? - LGBTQ Nation LGBTQ Nation

Sept. 24 Brad Hoylman-Sigal on Equal Rights Amendment Spectrum News

Sept. 30 Proposition 1: New York's Next Step Toward Equality in a Post-Roe World - Feminist Majority Foundation Feminist Majority Foundation


Sept. 24 Judge sides with North Dakota Catholic diocese, suspends abortion, IVF and LGBTQ protections | News From The States News from the States


Sept. 23 Quam, Holmes take different positions on new abortion law, free lunches for kids and ERA amendment - Post Bulletin | Rochester Minnesota news, weather, sports Post Bulletin

Sept. 27 Additional Q-and-A with Alex Falconer - Eden Prairie Local News Eden Prairie Local News

ERA in the News: APR 6 - APR 19 2024
Alice Paul Institute