ERA in the News: Dec 21, 2019 - Jan 3, 2020

Happy New Year to each of you! We hope that everyone had a warm and fulfilling holiday season.

We are very excited for 2020! It is going to be an active year, full of celebrations of 100 years of women's voting rights since the 19th Amendment was ratified on August 26, 1920.

We are now officially only days away from the reconvening of the General Assembly in Virginia on January 8, 2020. We continue to monitor the situation to see when state legislators in that state will bring the Equal Rights Amendment up for a vote. It currently anticipated that the ERA will be brought for a vote on the senate floor within the first two weeks of the session, possibly as early as January 14, 2020. As of today, it is unknown when the House will bring the ERA up for a vote. We'll keep you updated!

You can also keep tabs on what VARatify is doing on their website, which you can visit HERE.

For those of you following the legislation in Congress to remove the original deadline assigned to the ERA, here is a quick update. In the House of Representatives, a total of 224 co-sponsors have signed on to H.J. Res 79. The sister bill in the Senate, S.J. Res 6, added another 14 members signed on as co-sponsors to bring the total up to 33. See below in the "Call to Action" section for more information on how you can help.


I (Heart) the ERA - Postcard - front - BORDER.jpg


We are taking a page from Alice Paul’s playbook and sending “I (Heart) the ERA” Valentine’s postcards to elected officials. 

Send a "Thank You!" to congresspeople who have signed on in support, or send a "ERA Valentine" to encourage representatives who have not yet signed on in support.

In their fight for women's suffrage, Alice Paul and the National Woman's Party sent "Valentine's" to the men elected to Congress. The tactic helped keep the issue at the forefront of conversation, and was one of many that Alice Paul employed to advance the 19th Amendment. Join us for a night of fun social activism in the fight for gender equality.

We're inviting ERA advocates across the country to join the campaign! Here are a few ways that you can join the fun:

1) Host a “I (Heart) the ERA” Valentine’s postcard writing party!

Order some pre-printed postcards from the ERA Toolkit, and invite your friends and send a Valentine to the list of officials we've selected and/or your local and state officials.

2) Download the "I (Heart) the ERA" social media squares and banner and share, share, share!

3) Download the postcard designs (front and back) and print your own to send to your elected officials.

The social media hashtags we're using are:

  • #ilovetheera

  • #ERAnow

  • #RatifyERA

If you are in the Philadelphia region, please join us for a FREE public post-card writing party at the Alice Paul Institute on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 from 6pm-8pm. More information can be found HERE Hosted by API's Advocacy Committee, refreshments will be served.

The  ERA Coalition  is asking for our support to increase pressure on U.S. Senators to advance  SJ Res 6  , the legislation that will remove the original deadline from the ERA. Introduced by Sen. Ben Cardin (MD), more co-sponsors are needed to advance the bill.

The following Senators have been selected for focused attention. If you are in these states, please call and email the office contacts (info below). Please also share with your friends, family, and colleagues who live in these states so they can also advocate for their Senators to sign onto the bill as co-sponsors.


Sen. Dan Sulllivan (R): (202) 224-3004, David Pigue,


Sen. Martha McSally (R): (202) 224-2235, Pace McMullan,


Sen. Cory Gardner (R): (202) 224-5941, Brian Wanamaker,


Sen. Brian Schatz (D): (202) 224-3934, Trelaine Ito,


Sen. Joni Ernst (R): (202) 224-3254, Corey Becker,


Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D): (202) 224-2854,Edward Edney,


Sen. Rob Portman (R): (202) 224-3353, Megan Harrington,


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D): (202)-224-4543, Stephanie Akpa,


Sen. Martin Heinrich (D): (202) 224-5521, Simon Boyce,


Sen. Sherrod Brown (D): (202)-224-2315, Shomari Figures,


Sen. Maria Cantwell (D): (202)-224-0514, Jonathan Hale,

Sen. Patty Murray (D): (202)-224-2621, Jason Smith,


Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D): (202)-224-5653, Brian Moulton




Dec. 20  Alabama AG Steve Marshall Files Lawsuit to Block the Ratification of the Equal Rights AmendmentBama Politics

Dec. 20   Lawsuit Announced to Block New Equal Rights AmendmentTv24 

Dec. 26  Opinion | Steve Marshall's 2019 was one of the worst in Alabama


Dec. 23  Editorial: The hypocrisy at the heart of the ERA opposition, Los Angeles Times

Dec. 31  Fireworks pop and confetti drops as throngs of revelers cheer the start of 2020San Diego Union-Tribune

Jan. 1  Editorial: New Year's Wishes for the 2020s, Los Angeles Times


Dec. 20  Kim Porteous presented at recent Democratic Women's Club meetingCitrus County Chronicle

Dec. 21  Saturday's letters: Tax appraisals, women's rights, and moreGainesville Sun

Dec. 23  Letter to the Editor: Equal rights are equal for all,   Santa Rosa Press Gazette

Dec. 28  From the Left: Wishes for the new yearDaily Commercial 

Jan. 1  Doug Copeland named Sun's Person of the YearThe Anna Maria Island Sun Newspaper

Jan. 1   Lawmakers pledge ERA will pass in Virginia. Then what? 


Dec. 22  Letters to the editor, Dec. 22, 2019 , Idaho Press-Tribune

Jan. 1  Lawmakers pledge ERA will pass in Virginia. Then what?Coeur d'Alene Press


Dec. 28  Demeaning stereotypes linked to Illinois' initial failure to pass ERAThe Community World


Dec. 26  Columnist Carrie N. Baker: Progress for women's rights in 2019, Daily Hampshire Gazette

Jan. 2  Another year, another women's marchDaily Hampshire Gazette


Dec. 30 The ERA could finally become a reality. Here's a look back at Michigan women's fight for equalityMichigan Advance

Jan. 1  Column: Things to ComeThe Morning Sun


Dec. 21  Glimpse: 100th anniversary of women's suffrage being celebrated, Mankato Free Press


Jan. 1  Lawmakers pledge ERA will pass in Virginia. Then what?News 12 Brooklyn


Dec. 29  Alabama, Louisiana and South Dakota Sue to Block Equal Rights AmendmentWFAE

*This article appeared across several news circuits, including in Florida*


Dec. 28 Jocelyn Burdick, 1st ND woman to serve in US Senate, dies, Everything Grande Prairie


Jan. 2  Save the SeaWolvesErie Reader


Dec. 20  While Democrats 'make hay' over Equal Rights Amendment, Republican leader says they're equality happenSioux Falls Argus Leader

Dec. 20 South Dakota does not want the Equal Rights Amendment added to the constitution, Keloland 

Dec. 27  South Dakota Equal Rights Amendment stance infuriatingSioux Falls Argus Leader


Jan. 1  New year breathes new life into decades-long fight over the Equal Rights AmendmentNews Channel 5


Dec. 21  We Wish You an Equal ChristmasSalt Lake City Weekly

Dec. 25  The Year in Photo Review 2019Salt Lake City Weekly

Jan. 1  Here is the latest news from the Associated Press at 9:40  

Jan. 2  Citizen RevoltSalt Lake City Weekly


Dec. 19 3 conservative-leaning states sue to block ERA from ratificationWTKR

Dec. 21  Equal Rights Amendment May Be Near Ratification, Deadline LoomsPatch 

Dec. 22  In Virginia, Democrats Get Ready to Rule the RoostWall Street Journal 

Dec. 22  Radford leader leaves a solid foundation for peace, Roanoke Times

Dec. 22  Here's How Hard It Will Be to Pass A Green New Deal In Virginia, The Dogwood

Dec. 23  US senators move to life ERA deadline as Va. lawmakers prepare for 2020 votePrince William Times

Dec. 23  For Dems, redistricting should be bigger than partisan politics, Fairfax Times

Dec. 25  OUR VIEW: Top 10 of the 2010s: Same-sex marriage a new rightHerald & Review

Dec. 27 Milk, muskets, music and ERA: Some General Assembly legislation off the beaten pathKingsport Times News

Dec. 27  Range of issues to fuel General Assembly debateWDBJ7

Dec. 30  Sen. Howell preps 2020 legislative packageInside NoVA

Dec. 30  Advice for Dems from "America's Dad", Virginia Business Magazine 

Dec. 30  Virginia Poised to Pass Equal Rights Amendment Nearly 5 Decades After It Was ProposedWAMU 88.5 

Dec. 30  Labor Law: Changes to labor laws could be on the

Dec. 30's most popular articles and photo galleries of

Dec. 31  Changes in Virginia: What Democratic lawmakers say they'll do with control of legislatureWSLS 10

Jan. 1  Editorial: 20 questions for 2020Roanoke Times

Jan. 2  News to know for Jan. 2WWBT NBC12 

Jan. 2  Year in Review: Shenandoah, Warren remain red while Democrats surge into 2020Northern Virginia Daily

Jan. 2  A Career Born of the Equal Rights Amendment; Pat Brown Retires from WRCNRVWVTF

Jan. 3   In majority for first time, Sen. Favola preps for 2020 session, Inside NoVa


Dec. 22 Finding diamonds in the dustWestside Seattle

Dec. 28  Jocelyn Burdick, 1st ND woman to serve in US Senate,


Dec. 31  Virginia Poised to Pass Equal Rights Amendment Nearly 5 Decades After it was Proposed, WUWM


Dec. 22  Smith: Suffrage celebrations reveal strong cultural network, Casper Star-Tribune Online


Dec. 27  Jocelyn Burdick, 1st ND woman to serve in US Senate, dies, Washington Post

Dec. 29  Lesley Aileen Hales Clyde, Daily Herald

Alice Paul Institute