ERA in the News: JAN 17-24, 2020
We continue to monitor the procedural process in the Virginia General Assembly for the ratification of the ERA by Virginia to become completely official. Each chamber must vote to approve the other's chamber's resolution. Because the resolutions passed in both chambers are identical, it is not anticipated that the Equal Rights Amendment will encounter any issues.
We will send out a "Special Edition" newsletter as soon as we know the ERA is 100% official in Virginia!
Stay up to date with the efforts in Virginia by following VARatify, the dynamic organization accomplishing amazing things in the state's political landscape. Click on the links below to follow:
VARatify created the great social media square to outline the procedural process.
We are turning our attention to the efforts in Congress to remove the original deadline assigned to the Equal Rights Amendment. We ask you to join us in r edirect the amazing energy that has been building across the nation and put strong pressure on members to approve the legislation in Congress to remove the original deadline assigned to the ERA.
Once the deadline is removed by both chambers of Congress, the ERA is expected to begin the full process toward ratification to the U. S. Constitution.
Citizens are asked to contact their representatives in Congress to urge them to sign on as a co-sponsor of H.J. Res 79 in the House of Representatives, and S.J. Res 6 in the Senate.
H.J. Res 79
Co-Sponsors = 224 (same as last week)
Also, Sen. Nadler (NY) released the House Judiciary Committee's report on H.J. Res 79. It disagrees the the Department of Justice's report stating that the ERA is effectively dead because the deadline passed. You can read the Committee's report HERE.
View the full resolution HERE.
S.J. Res 6
Co-Sponsors = 41 (same as last week)
We have seen that the campaign to reach out to specific Senators, encouraging them to sign on as co-sponsors of the bill. Several that were selected have signed on, and a new list was released by the ERA Coalition. You can see the updated list below.
View the full resolution HERE
States in green are where the ERA was in the news this week.
Jan. 16 Nadler & Cohen Applaud Virginia's Historic Equal Rights Amendment Ratification Vote, House Judiciary Committee
Jan. 16 Bill Barr Doesn't Get to Decide What's in the Constitution, The Atlantic
Jan. 17 Equal Rights Amendment: The century-long fight to codify women's rights into the Constitution, ABC News
Jan. 16 What does Equal Rights Amendment ratification in Virginia mean for its chances?, ABA Journal
Jan. 17 LGBTQ Activists Celebrate Ratification of Equal Rights Amendment in Va., Pride Source
Jan. 17 Virginia Votes to Ratify ERA, Setting Up Likely Legal Battle, Wall Street Journal
Jan. 21 Virginia passes the Equal Rights Amendment, but the struggle continues, People's World
Jan. 21 Abortion Rights Opponents Are Terrified of the Equal Rights Amendment, Rewire.News
Jan. 22 The Equal Rights Amendment mandates equality between the sexes--so why are some women against it?, MarketWatch
Jan. 22 Why We Need The Equal Rights Amendment, The New York Times
Jan. 22 The Equal Rights Amendment and Article V, Justia Verdict
Jan. 23 Broadway Playwright Heidi Schreck Discusses What the Equal Rights Amendment Means, Broadway World
Jan. 23 The US might ratify the ERA. What would change?, Washington Post
Jan. 19 Equal rights now, Dothan Eagle
Jan. 22 Women and the Constitution, Green Valley News
Jan 18 About 1000 join 4th annual Women's March in downtown Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Jan. 19 Longtime Equal Rights Amendment Activist Keeps the Faith, Gazette Newspapers
Jan. 20 Community briefs for the week of Jan. 24, The Mercury News
Jan. 21 We embrace the women who have stayed the course, Napa Valley Register
Jan. 21 ' Women's Rights Are Human Rights!' Crescent City Women's March Celebrates ERA Milestone, Lost Coast Outpost
Jan. 23 Journeys of Discovery: Gerald Ford Presidential Library and Museum, KCBX
Jan. 19 Women's March draws hundreds, The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel
Jan. 19 The best signs and most passionate protesters at Sunday's Orlando Women's March, Orlando Weekly
Jan. 20 LGBT activists Celebrate Ratification of Equal Rights Amendment in Va., South Florida Gay News
Jan. 21 Mary Sanchez: Equal Rights Amendment remains as relevant as ever, Palm Beach Post
Jan. 22 Dvorak: 'ERA whisperer' celebrates Virginia's historic vote, Gainesville Sun
Jan. 18 Flashback: January 18, 1982, when Georgians urged lawmakers to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, Atlanta Magazine
Jan. 19 Moscow marches follow divergent paths, Lewiston Morning Tribune
Jan. 20 Speaking up, moving ahead, Moscow-Pullman Daily News
Jan. 17 Equal Rights Amendment reaches support threshold, implementation likely stalled, The Herald-News
Jan. 21 Constable: It's time to honor a women with a national holiday, Chicago Daily Herald
Jan. 22 Virginia Adopts the Equal Rights Amendment, WILL News
Jan. 21 Drake's Law School Hosts Traveling Exhibit to Celebrate the Centennial of the 19th Amendment,
Jan. 23 'Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is face,' Barnstable Patriot
Jan. 17 Letter: Making a case for amendments, SW News Media
Jan. 22 Susan Estrich: Equality has been deferred too long, West Central Tribune
Jan. 23 St. Louis Park resident among proponents of ERA ratification in Virginia, ECM Publishers
Jan. 17 Gianficaro: Equality clear to see, Waynesboro Record Herald
Jan. 20 New Mexico League of Women Voters advocates for Equal Rights Amendment, KRQE News 13
Jan. 17 S eneca Falls Women's March Expecting Thousands for Equal Rights, to Honor 100th Suffrage, WAER
Jan. 18 'Standing up, speaking out': Women march for justice in Seneca Falls, Auburn Citizen
Jan. 20 Governor sees increase in support from latest Sienna Poll, WBFO
Jan. 20 A Look on the Lighter Side: Can America Handle the Truth?, The Island Now
Jan. 21 Latest Siena poll holds cues for 2020 state legislative session, WBFO
Jan. 23 The Equal Rights Amendment Explained, Brennan Center
Jan. 24 Are the women's marches still relevant? Charlotte Observer
Jan. 20 The Equal Rights Amendment- its history in Ohio and what comes next,
Jan. 23 Equality deferred, Coos Bay World
Jan. 18 Women Congress members lead throng on the march in Philly, The Delaware County Times
Jan. 21 Channels dedicated to Country Music announce equal pay for male, female artists, WZTV
Jan. 18 Women's March calls for action in election year, Denton Record-Chronicle
Jan. 20 Dallas Women's March Highlights Importance of Equal Rights for All, Dallas Observer
Jan. 17 NC Republicans sign letter backing 2nd amendment sanctuaries in Va., plan to be at rally, WSET
Jan. 18 Excitement builds at Women's March after Virginia ratifies Equal Rights Amendment, WCYB
Jan. 20 ERA swiftly clears first hurdle in General Assembly, Southwest Times
Jan. 21 Surovell: 2020 session sees rapid progress on 'long-delayed' legislative priorities, Fort Hunt Herald
Jan. 21 O pinion: Virginia Legislature Moves Quickly on Equal Rights, Gun Violence Prevention, The Connection
Jan. 22 Ratification of ERA in Virginia is long overdue, Richmond Times-Dispatch
Jan. 22 C ampus reacts positively to Virginia's ratification of Equal Rights Amendment, The Blue & Gray Press
Jan. 17 It's about time women make up a majority of policymakers, The Seattle Times
Jan. 21 Virginia Just Ratified the Equal Rights Amendment-What Does That Mean?, Wisconsin Public Radio
Jan. 1 7 Equal Rights Amendment will replace equality with enforced sameness, The Hill
Jan. 18 Why Abortion is Antithetical to Women's Empowerment, RealClearPolitics
Jan. 19 The 'Equal Rights Amendment' Virginia Just Ratified Is A Legal Fiction, The Federalist
Jan. 19 The misguided push for an Equal Rights Amendment, Hot Air
Jan. 20 Open Forum: Save Virginia for the Virginians, The Winchester Star
Jan. 22 Despite Virginia's vote, ERA still dead, Washington Times
Jan. 23 The Troubling Ideals at the Heart of Abortion Rights, The Atlantic