ERA in the News: May 31 - June 6, 2019
Hello all,
We are just three weeks away from ERA Day, on June 30. While we at the Advocacy Committee continue to work on the logistics, we invite you to get your ticket now by clicking here.
We are also still accepting crafters and artisans and organizations to table. Please fill out your registration form here.
Early order-ers are starting to receive their Equal Rights Amendment t-shirts! If you've got FOMO and want your own, never fear! We are still selling our #ERANow tshirts on You'll also be able to purchase original products at ERA Day.
Now onto the news...
Green states are where news stories were published this past week.
June 3 100 Years Later and the Fight for Gender Equality Carries On,
June 4 Elizabeth Banks Joins Cate Blanchett's FX Limited Series 'Mrs. America,' Variety
*this article appeared on several news sites*
June 5 Parks and Re-Creation, The New York Times
June 7 Ex-Staffers: Bernie 'Struggles' With Women's Issues, The Daily Beast
May 31 Betty Ford, a Powerful, Uplifting Story First Lady, Greenwich Sentinel
June 4 How 3 brace suffragists helped women win right to vote, Alton Telegraph
May 31 More bills shelved as Louisiana session nears end, New Orleans CityBusiness
May 31 Area attorney presents for Bar Association, The Advertiser News South
June 5 Local legislators join in support of teacher raises, The Daily Star
June 7 Finally: constitutional protections in Maine against sex-based bias, The Ellsworth American
June 2 Collective bargaining for state workers, major gun bill advance as lawmakers near end of session, The Nevada Independent
June 3 Cuomo eyes Equal Rights Amendment, other reforms in late push for women's agenda, Auburn Citizen
June 3 The ERA Coalition Says It's Time for an Inclusive ERA in New York State, Yahoo Finance
June 3 Cuomo, Legislature seek to enhanve women's rights in final days of session, Newsday
June 3 Cuomo pushes legislature to protect women's rights before session ends, Albany Times Union
June 3 Gov. Cuomo pushing for women's justice initiatives, WIVB
June 4 Pressure mounts with 11 session days left, WBFO
June 5 Albany legislative session nears end with unfinished business, Watertown Daily Times
June 4 Pressure Mounts on Democrats in NYS Legislature to Deliver in Session's Final Days, WAER
June 4 Mount Pleasant's leaders united to curb growth, but now division reigns as elections near, Charleston Post Courier
June 1 The Push to Remove Any Mention of Slavery from Vermont's Constitution, The Atlantic
June 5 10th District Dems sound the alarm at forum, Chesterfield Observer
June 6 Voters Get Ready for 'One of the Most Diverse Tickets Virginia Has Ever Seen,' WAMU 88.5
June 7 In this Suburban Democratic Primary, All Four Candidates are First Generation Americans, Washington Post
June 6 Democratic candidates compete for 28th District Senate seat,
Thank you,
Erica Young for the APAC